Thursday, June 7, 2012

Last Day of School!

School's Out!!!!

This is the shirt that K and her class all made. It has her teacher's name and the year on the back...very cute!

And a Kindergarten Graduate, Too!

On Monday, MJ graduated from kindergarten. I sound like a broken record, but just like I can't believe K is finishing pre-K and moving on to kindergarten, I have a difficult time believing that MJ is old enough to be in a "number grade" next year. She is reading well and loves math. She had a great year in public school this year, but will be changing schools this fall when I go back to work in the private Christian school she attended for preschool. (That's another blog post for another day, though.)

Happy Graduation to my biggest girl!

A Pre-K Graduate!

K graduated from Pre-K last Friday! I cannot believe she is old enough that she will be starting kindergarten in the fall. Her birthday is in August, so she is one of the very youngest in her class, but she is doing great. This afternoon, she was sitting on the couch reading one of the little phonetic readers she brought home from school. K may be tiny, but big things come in small packages!