I’m taking a few minutes from my rather chaotic morning to write a blog post, mostly because I’m tired of looking at that “Pet Peeve” library book post at the top of my blog. I had a Sunday Snapshot planned for this weekend, but ended up not having time to put it together. Hopefully I can get it together so I can use it this week. So, it’s about the girls’ dress-up week at school last week...the pictures are still cute.
As for life, it is busy, busy, busy. Our Adoption Voyages website business is starting to pick up a little steam, which is wonderful. I’m very thankful that I’ve been able to build a couple of new sites this week. (By the way, we are accepting new clients, so if you are in the adoption process, please come by and check us out.)
We registered K for pre-K yesterday. I can’t believe she is going to be old enough for pre-K in the upcoming school year. And soon, we’ll be registering MJ for kindergarten...also hard to believe. And while we’re talking about children growing up too fast, I’m also in the midst of planning M’s 2 year old birthday party. 2? Really?!?
And, as if I didn’t have anything else to do, I’m having a garage sale Friday and Saturday. It’s just your general “clear out stuff we don’t need anymore and don’t have room for” kind of sale, and a couple from our church is bringing some of their stuff over, too. They are newlyweds consolidating households, and they live in an apartment, so they needed a place. We have a garage and already were planning to have a sale, so it works well. Thankfully, I have most of our stuff priced, and now it is just a matter of set-up. Just hope the rain goes away so we can get everything done this afternoon. I have to get up too early for my taste on garage sale days anyway. Don’t want to have to make it earlier because I can’t get things set up this evening.
Looking at my calendar, it does actually seem that we will have some calmer days coming soon. For that, I am very thankful. And maybe, just maybe, I can blog a little more regularly.
Amazon | 40-Pack Minties Dog Treats $6.46 (reg. $13)
57 minutes ago
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