I'm making it in under the wire for getting a blog post written today. Saturday morning we are leaving to visit my Mother-in-law in Georgia for a week. Tomorrow, I am going with K on a school field trip, so the morning I would usually have for packing is not available. Therefore, I intended to get most of our packing done this afternoon.
Then, around lunch time, I noticed M was feeling warm. Sure enough, he had a low-grade fever. With us going out of town, I went on and called the doctor and took him in. He is like me, in that almost any time he gets sick, it goes straight to his sinuses. So, now he is on antibiotics. Thankfully, he hasn't really acted like he has felt that bad, except right before bedtime this evening. I think he will be fine by the time we leave. Thing is, this happens EVERY time we are getting ready to go away. I should pretty much build in a trip to the pediatrician's office in our travel prep schedule. And we've become quite adept at traveling with refrigerated antibiotics.
Somehow, though, I've still managed to get most of the laundry and clothes packing done...things are not in suitcases, but they are stacked and organized. (I may want to move it all off of our bed if we actually want to sleep tonight, though.) Hopefully tomorrow I will have time to do some cleaning before we leave. I can't stand to leave a dirty house when we go on vacation, mostly because I don't want to come home to a dirty house afterwards.
I am going to TRY to do some blog posts tomorrow to schedule to post while we are gone, but I can't guarantee that I'll have time. I've made it 17 days into this, though, so we'll see...
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10 hours ago
Hope the little guy feels better! Isn't it fun how kids ALWAYS get sick when you're travelling? Dean gets sick almost every time we visit my in-laws. Hope y'all have a great trip!