Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Church Mouse Tale

If you are on my FB list, you have read this story already, but I thought I would share for anyone else who might happen to read my blog. If you are like me, a good laugh is always appreciated.

Anyway, we had a visitor at our church on Sunday morning. Here's what happened...

My husband was preaching, and saw people looking and pointing at something behind him. Turns out there was a mouse on the ceiling over the piano. He noticed it, talked about it for a little while, then went back to his sermon. Then one of the deacons went back and got a broom and a bucket. At that point, Hubby (C) asked him to just wait since the mouse was just hanging out on the ceiling. Sermon continues until the mouse falls off the ceiling and drops down on the floor. Ladies are starting to climb up on the pews at this point, and C realized they were just going to have to deal with the mouse. So here are C (the pastor), the deacon with the broom, and 2 of our young adult guys (one of whom had a basket he had found somewhere) chasing this mouse around the front of the sanctuary during the service while everyone else is watching and laughing (and for those who were afraid of mice, checking for the closest exits). Meanwhile, one of our ladies was videoing the whole thing with her iPhone. Anyway, two of the men cornered the mouse in a room off of the sanctuary. C composed himself and finished his sermon, and we got out of church about 15 minutes late.

I don't know that I have ever laughed that much during a church service. Definitely one to remember!


  1. LOL!! so funny! thanks for the giggle today!

  2. That is funny! I would have definitely been one of the women standing on the pew...and probably even screeching a little bit. :)
