Tuesday, January 4, 2011

K Through the Year (2010)

Here is K's 2010 photo retrospective. One thing I determined is I need to get more individual pictures of her. Some months I had lots, and some not nearly enough. She has grown and matured so much over the course of this year.

January: K at the park, still in a baby swing. Now, it is big girl swings all the time. She would spend her entire time on a swing at the park if one of us would stand there and push her.

February: K at our local FCC Chinese New Year party...

March: Picnicking at the park. The girl loves her strawberries!

April: Easter Sunday morning...This was after church, and she was absolutely NOT in the mood to have her picture made.

May: At the beach...This year, K overcame her fear of the ocean, and loved going to the beach!

June: I seriously made very few pictures in June. I had lots from MJ's end of school year program and VBS at church, but not a lot of individual shots, especially of K and M. I thought this one was sweet, though, and shows K's relationship with her little brother very well.

July: K playing in the yard at my parents' house in Louisiana. She still hasn't mastered blowing bubbles, but she really likes to try.

August: August was a big month for K. She turned 3, and she also started preschool. I used a birthday shot here, since there is a first day of school one in the Top 10 Photos post.

September: One of my absolute favorite pictures ever...We got K up from her afternoon nap, but apparently, she was not finished sleeping because this is what we found shortly thereafter.

October: Cowgirl K, ready to Trick-or-Treat

November: One of my favorite pictures of K from our trip to Georgia over Thanksgiving break.

December: K on Christmas morning...

1 comment:

  1. I really really love the pic of her sleeping in the chair too! Precious!
    Nancy-of the crazy 8
